Sunday, June 26, 2011


After that first positive test, we were both relieved that, hey our plumbing works. We're not broken. It actually seems that we've done it and made our own little one.

Hubs kept telling me to wait a week before testing again, but I was impatient. I couldn't believe it was true and I sneakily bought more HPTs (yes, more than 1) to try. The next line appeared in a blink of an eye and I knew it was true. It was no fluke. We were pregnant!

I made an appointment with the Doc for 6 June which seemed a little far away, almost 3 weeks before we could finally confirm the existence of little bunlet.

But in the meantime we started being very careful about my food intake. I stopped all medication, even paracetamol which I popped like candy (okie, maybe not that much) due to my frequent headaches and backaches.

I was wary of taking raw and cured foodstuff. No alcohol or 'cooling' stuff (as what the Chinese believe is not beneficial for pregnant women) and so on. I was even paranoid about people bumping into me, and would cover my tummy protectively in case of accidents.

Then finally 6 June came around and we had our first look at little bunlet. He (obviously we don't know its gender, but somehow I felt that it was a little boy) was attached to my right side and the Doc could hardly get a good pix of him but that was all I needed...a glimpse of our little one, growing away in me. I recall catching his heartbeat at one stage, but there was a teensy bit of apprehension when the Doc told me that the baby was about 6 weeks old when according to my calculations, he should already be about 7 weeks. But I told myself that the Doc knows best. Perhaps my calculations were a little off.

Doc sent me home with some pills and an appointment to see her in 2 weeks.

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