Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mr & Mrs C Wedding (12 Jan 2007)

It was a busy day yesterday. E and I attended his buddy's church wedding + dinner and E was the best man. He and Mr C met way back in jc and Mrs C was a schoolmate as well. This particular group of friends of E's accepted me into their fold from the start and I've always seen them as my friends too, so I was deeply touched to be invited to witness the events leading to their union. From the moment the bride entered the church, I saw a smile radiant and brought a tear to my eyes. It has been a long road for them and it's amazing that the journey was coming to an end, but of course it would mean the opening of a brand new chapter for them too.

The church ceremony was a first for me, I never had to attend one before and would probably be the only one I see before our turn arrives. So it was definitely useful for me to get an idea of how things go. Although it obviously doesn't hold as much significance for me religious-wise but it was a beautiful thing I saw. While the ROM formally recognises the legal aspects of the marriage, and the traditional ceremony signifies the acceptance of the family, the church ceremony, I guess, marks the spirituality of the union.

The dinner, while still sticking to various elements of the typical chinese wedding banquet, was anything but bland. The food was great and while I had my reservations about one particular idea initially, it turned out that this made the night memorable and fun. What am I talking about? They had a dance floor. Of course it was more than that. They did away with table shots and instead, chose to mingle amongst the crowds throughout the dinner. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful.

These are probably things I should consider at ours, but ideas are still blurry. One step at a time. We better get started on the ROM planning before I even worry about the details of the banquet.

Oh yeah, one last thing. E and I were exhausted by the end of the day and we weren't even the bridal couple. I can't imagine what it'll be like at the end of our wedding. I'll probably be a big grouch and E will tactfully leave me alone, trotting off to bed. I'ld have to beat him to death then. What a start to a marriage. Haha!

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