Watched the movie with E over the weekend. I was a little apprehensive about watching a Disney movie as I feel that I'm over the age for this kind of storyline, about happy ever afters, u know what I mean? But from the trailer, it seemed like a light, enjoyable movie so we went for it.
And guess what? I fell for the storyline, hook, line and sinker. I guess I'm still not overage for the disney formula. The scene that really got to me was the ballroom scene. When Robert & Gisele were dancing together and he started singing So Close to her. OMG, leading men who sing...that's my weakness. I had the same reaction when Ewan Mcgregor sang to Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. Too bad E is not a singer, else I'ld totally melt at his feet.
I also realised that the ballroom scene reminded me of the ballroom scene in Beauty & the Beast, coincidentally also one of my fave scenes in that movie. The music, the setting, the whole feel. I think I've found my wedding inspiration. I want a fairytale wedding. How should I start?? By finding a Patrick Dempsey? Heehee! E's gonna kill me!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It's back to normal programming
Hey there, exams are finally over so I can finally get back to action again.
E celebrated the unofficial completion of my course by treating me to a seafood dinner at Ah Yat Seafood @ Shaw Centre. The beauty of it is that they have a 50% discount for weekday orders and 30% for weekends. For those who haven't had the chance to experience this, do give it a try. You get to select your seafood from a whole array of tanks, they are then weighed and you decide the cooking method. We chose 2 sri lankan crabs and some prawns. We had the crabs done 2 ways, 1 with black pepper and 1 with salted egg. The prawns were steamed with mountains of garlic and soya sauce. Every dish was yummy, only problem was there was only 2 of us, so it took us a long time to finish the food and by the time we finished up, the dishes were growing cold, so it wasn't as tasty anymore. Oh, and I thought it was a little odd, coz our table was right in front of the fresh seafood tanks, so I told E that it felt a little sick, eating their friends in front of them. Haha!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Exam Fever
Am having my exams these couple of days so will have to refrain from using the pc. In fact I wasn't even intending on logging on today, but I really needed a break from reading all those teeny tiny words. Can't wait for the exams to be over. That's when the fun will start coz it means the completion of my course and the start of the wedding plans! Cya guys then.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Spot the Bunnie
Well, not the one that's shyly hiding behind its paws, but the funky one above it. See that one? That's Tuzki. I'm sure loads of pple have spotted him either in your emails, in your MSN messages and so on. Ever wondered who he is? Honestly I had no idea until now. *drumrolls* He's the mascot for the new MOTO Q!
So what's the MOTO Q u ask? It's the latest PDA smartphone from Motorola and it's chocabloc full of features, I get breathless just reading through them AND the best part, it looks good too. So it satisfies the geeks like E AND the girly-gals like me!
For the geeks, the MOTO Q comes with mobile productivity tools like your MS Word, MS Excel and so on. You can check your emails too.
For gals like me, I was very drawn to the fact that you can blog on the go. So if I spot a sale while I'm out and about, I can post an entry to OurFuzzyLogic and you readers will know about it immediately! Haha!
Some features will make both E and I very happy as well. The built-in camera for one. I love taking piccies, esp of food, so having a built-in camera would come in handy when I'm travelling light with just my wallet & phone for example.
E and I have different shopping habits, so when he's looking at his electronics, I get bored, when I'm looking at clothes, it's E's turn to tune out, the Q would come in handy at times like this. We can view movies or listen to music via Windows Media Player or surf the web while waiting and even log on to Windows Live Messenger and chitchat with frens. I could rant about how long E's making me wait for him for example. Just kidding dear!
So it's all sounding pretty good, I'll have to find out more. If you're interested too, visit for more info.
Monday, November 19, 2007
November Update
Haven't been blogging here coz nothing much has been happening for us. Most significant thingy I guess would be the application closure for the Telok Blangah BTO on 14 Nov. Final numbers? 6342 applications for the 210 units of 4 room flats. That works out to a ratio of 30:1? Argh!
Results will be known end of December. So all we can do now is keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. A galfren of mine, D-jie also applied for the same project, so even though she kept chasing me to move to Punggol....anywhere far far away from the areas she's interested in, I'm still going to wish her the best of luck. With any luck we could end up being neighbours. Heehee!
Just bought myself a couple of new toys. An iPod Nano and a Nike+ Sport Kit. Looking forward to using it and hopefully jog my way to a healthier lifestyle. In the mean time, exams are looming near so I have to be a good gal and study hard. E will be starting a new job next year, so it'll be a new beginning for him. It's gonna be a rollercoaster ride.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Guest Registration Service
Gee, my simple research for an ROM venue uncovered some pretty interesting websites. Site number 1 is a blog called Wo Yao Jie Hun Le ( It's packed with wedding related info and even has a section on alternative ROM venues. Exactly what I was looking for!
Site number 2 ( is essentially a computerised guest registration program. So instead of having to flip through a printed guest list and figuring out who sits at which table, the software does it for u. Pretty interesting and high-tech huh. But somehow makes me think of queuing for movie tickets. Haha! But it's something to keep in mind.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Househunting - HDB Oct 2007 BTO
So the latest BTO was released yesterday, this time around, there were 2 projects; Punggol Lodge and Telok Blangah Towers. The moment I received the email alert about it, I called E and told him about it.
We came to a decision really quickly, we were putting in our application for Telok Blangah even though we were quite concerned about the EDD which is 31 July 2013, that's like 6 years away and even though we're targetting to get married in 2009, that still means we'll be homeless for quite a number of years :( But I thot we should do it, coz the location of the flats is really very attractive. The thot of being so near to sentosa and vivocity is quite cool. Haha!
But we've been pretty unlucky in our last few applications so we're not putting much hope into this one either. Will just keep our fingers crossed until Dec when the results are out.
BTW this particular BTO is HOT! Demand already exceeded supply by yesterday afternoon and that was just the first day, the number of applications went into four-figures by this morning. What a sense of dejavu. We saw the same thing happening when we applied for the last bi-monthly exercise *sigh*
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Fast Forward...
Based on the last entry, I'm sure you'ld realised that there has been a bit of a time lag from our engagement till now, so I'm going to try and get things up to date in this entry.
From July - Sept, we basically just enjoyed our new status as fiance and fiancee. Attempts to apply for a HDB flat have been unsuccessful so far. We've been trying since the beginning of this year so it's quite a bummer. We're now considering resale instead but the crazy property boom is making things quite difficult for us. I've also had to get used to wearing a ring practically all the time. Some horrible friend commented that it's not my style to wear fancy jewellery all the time and that I shouldn't go against my style. Guess whether I heeded her advice? :P
29 Sept
We attended our first bridal show at the Regent and made a deposit for a BS, Ritz Couture. There has been a bit of fuss about whether we've been too hasty about it. Perhaps, but it was a small deposit and we liked the photographer's work and the gown designs, plus the staff seem nice enough and market survey has shown that people have been quite happy with their service. So we'll see how it goes. *keeps fingers crossed*
Oh rite, we also like the Regent so it could be a potential AD venue for us.
14 Oct
Our parents met up officially for the first time. We had lunch at Tung Lok Signature, everything went well. Everyone was friendly to each other, but it was quite strange sitting next to E and having to make a conscious effort to behave extremely appropriately (in conservative chinese terms). Not that we'll jump on each other or smooch passionately in public. Just in case your mind starts a-wandering.
And now, having done a spot of time travelling, it's back to present time and what have we done this weekend? I've come up with some potential ROM dates for next year, all of which fall within the mid to quarter-end period, so you roughly get an idea of when the next big event is gonna happen. But as usual, nothing is fixed and we'll just go with the flow, at least until I'm free to turn into bridezilla.
We have also started contributing to the bridal magazines market. And I have to say, OMG bridal mags are heavy! I weighed one of them and it turned out to be 1.6kg. Just for 1 mag! So that's my bedtime reading for a while.
Our Engagement
We have been together for 10 years and E chose to propose on a major milestone in our lives. It was during our first overseas trip together and E proposed on the evening of 7 July this year during a romantic stroll on the beaches of Phuket.
I can't say that I was totally surprised. It was a nice date, 070707, it was our first holiday together and it was our anniversary. But I was still overwhelmed with emotions at that moment.
I realised that 2 questions are staple favourites whenever proposals are mentioned. For the ladies, it's 'Did he kneel down?' and for the guys, it's 'Did she cry?'. So let me answer the questions once and for all.
Did he kneel? No, he wanted to, but I was too embarassed and I've always seen us as equals in this relationship. I didn't need him to kneel down for me to know that he's sincere about it.
Did I cry? I didn't wail, I didn't weep but yes the tears did flow. Having spent a whole decade with him, this signifies the next step in our relationship. I was scared of the future, but also excited about it. It suddenly hit me. With this step, we're moving towards growing up. It also represents a cumulation of the ups and downs we've been through together. If I didn't cry, I must have been made of stone.
So that marks our engagement. It's no fancy proposal, no fireworks, no fanfare, but what's important is that we're on a lifelong journey together.
Scribbled by
8:51 PM
Tags: engagement, proposal